Work with me.

My absolute passion in life is making good things happen - for people and our planet. 

For over 15 years I’ve worked with charities, CICs, arts organisations, good causes and cool people to:

  • Explore ideas

  • Develop projects

  • Create strategies

  • Generate interest

  • Secure funding

Since 2016, I’ve been a fundraising & development consultant. A happy freelancer, helping brilliant people and causes to shape their ideas into deliverable and fundable projects, and securing over £3million to make them happen.

I’ve developed, written and reviewed A LOT of funding applications over the last few years.  Happy to say that I’ve got a good ‘hit rate’, and frequently get the thrill of the ‘yes’.

Project development lights up my brain. I’m endlessly curious about those who, what, why, when and how questions, which help clients move from the foggy ideas stage to clarity and action.

I love working with others and pride myself on being flexible and enjoyable to work with. Word of mouth has carried me through, and I’ve never had to put myself out there for work (which is good because self-promo makes my arms feel weird).

How you can work with me

I care deeply about doing a good job and making a positive difference. I’ll only take on work if I feel passionately about the cause and believe I can truly add value. Life is too short not to enjoy your work, and I like making my clients happy.

I’m developing ‘packages of support’ for you to clearly see what I can offer and how much it will cost. Coming soon…!

Until then, it’s best to drop me an e-mail. We can then book a call to explore what you need and how I might be able to help.